PestWest’s Blue CSI Kit – FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions | PestWest Blue CSI Kit

PestWest answers questions about your CSI Blue Light Kit used for fluorescent pest inspections.

Blue light works in much the same way that ultraviolet light does.
white Light
Blue light makes material emit fluorescence (evidence glows), absorption (evidence darkens),
and oblique lighting (small particle evidence revealed). Instead of using wavelengths of
invisible ultraviolet radiation, visible blue wavelengths are used.
blue light

To assist you during your detailed inspection to enhance, detect, isolate, and spatially
document pest evidence and activity for appropriate elimination techniques.
Fluorescence with glasses

Your CSI Kit emits light at a wavelength of approximately 455nm (blue region).
This light excitation source causes certain materials to give off weak fluorescence. When used in a
darkened room, only the light emitted by the CSI Kit is present.
Fluorescence with glasses

This light frequency causes some materials to fluoresce, darken, or particulate, but this
fluorescence is hidden or masked by the intense blue light.
Fluorescence with glasses

For this reason, you wear orange barrier filter glasses between your eyes and the objects being
examined. This filtration effectively blocks the blue light permitting viewing of the weaker
Fluorescence with glasses

Yes. When you illuminate a surface with intense blue light, much of that light can be reflected
back to your eyes.

If you do not block it from reaching your eyes, it will degrade or destroy the contrast between the
indication and the background that you need for good inspection performance.

Yes. The orange glasses are carefully selected to work with the blue light lamp.

If you use just any orange glasses (shooting glasses, Blue-Blockers, etc.) it is possible that you
will have either reduced fluorescence intensity or reduced contrast.

To avoid this, use only the filter glasses supplied by your CSI Kit.

Blue light sources provide the best results when used under subdued lighting conditions. Total
darkness is not necessary to see the fluorescence produced from most items of evidentiary or
specimen value. Wear the orange contrast glasses and allow your eyes to adjust to the light
(this may take a few minutes including adjusting to the blue light).

Take your time, while holding the blue light lamp 12 to 18 inches above the inspected surface,
move methodically from left to right, up and down, or vice versa, but do not skip around. Gather
samples with your CSI Kit forceps and container-magnifiers, document your findings, and then
determine the appropriate elimination techniques.

Yes. Blue light wavelengths are at reduced risk unless you stare directly into the light without the filter glasses on.  

The blue light is very intense and it would cause an afterglow if you looked right into it.
Do not look directly into the light beam as this may cause injury to your eyes.

Yes. Replacement kit components are available if needed. Contact your favorite distributor or PestWest for additional information.

Yes. PestWest offers marketing aides and technical documents to help you market your business.  
Please Go to for additional information.

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